Legal notice

54 avenue du Général de Gaulle
21110 GENLIS
RCS DIJON 804 097 830
SAS with a capital of €30,000
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Publication manager: Didier CONTREPOIS

Host: OVH
Company name: OVH
Adress : 2 rue KELLERMANN 59100 ROUBAIX
Phone Number: 08 9165 29 89


The company PRIEUR SPORTS has opened this site for the personal information and entertainment of its users. No commercial exploitation, even partial, of the data presented therein may be carried out without the prior written consent of the Company PRIEUR SPORTS


The name “PRIEUR SPORTS”, logos, slogans and trademarks registered or not, represented on this site, are the exclusive property of the company PRIEUR SPORTS. Any use, reproduction and / or modification that would be made without the prior written consent of the company PRIEUR SPORTS would be likely to constitute the infringement, within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

The presentation and content of this site constitute, together, a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which the Company PRIEUR SPORTS is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, partial or complete, may be made without the prior written consent of PRIEUR SPORTS. The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with sound or not and other documentation represented on this site are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of the company PRIEUR SPORTS or third parties that have authorized the company PRIEUR SPORTS to use them. As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and / or modification, partial or complete, or transfer to another site are prohibited.

Photo credits

  • © Prieur Sports
  • © Vincent Arbelet
  • © Académie Levavasseur
  • © Fédération Française d’escrime
  • © Unsplash Dorian Mongel
  • © On Aura Tout Vu

User commitment and condition of use of the site.

Any person consulting this site is deemed to have accepted these conditions without reservation: Any visitor to the site accepts the fact that everything presented on the site is protected by copyright and / or any other industrial property right. The user accepts that such rights may not be used without written permission from prieur sports. The company PRIEUR SPORTS does not guarantee the content of the information presented on this site, and assumes no responsibility in case of error or omission in the content of the site. The company PRIEUR SPORTS does not guarantee that the use of the materials presented on the site will not violate rights held by third parties. Each visitor to the site “PRIEUR SPORTS” or other sites of the company PRIEUR SPORTS, which provides information (in particular by email) other than personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, through them, consents to the company PRIEUR SPORTS all the transferable rights relating to this information and authorizes it to make use of it as it pleases.


This site allows the dissemination of comments, opinions by users of the latter. These comments are approved by the publication director. However, under the article concerning the user’s commitments and conditions of use of the site, it is agreed that Prieur Sports is in no way responsible for opinions and comments that may affect the respect and integrity of any legal or physical entity that is targeted by the users’ comments.
In addition, any person lacking the respect and integrity of any legal or natural entity via comments or opinions, may be subject to prosecution under the French legal regime.


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