Le bruit des lames


When a young fencing master starts dreaming of fencingfights to the point of losing sleep, all he has to do is write to exorcise his doubts, his fears, to revisit his passion, to mature.

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The book “Le Bruit des lames” is the story of this inner exploration, where the author Pascal Aubrit takes a lucid and critical look at his discipline and at competitive sport. estifies to the ambiguity of his status as a teacher, from the pedestal promised during his training to the confrontation with the reality of everyday teaching. Pascal Aubrit is a fencing master and practices psychotherapy in Cergy-Pontoise. Author of numerous articles dealing with fencingseen through a psychologist’s lens, he delivers here a personal account, written at the age of 25 and remained unpublished until now. Preface by Gérard Six.


Weight 0,4 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm

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